Meet locals in Khynalyg Village

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The inhabitants of Khynalyg have preserved their traditional way of life. Weddings and other ceremonies are held in strict conformity with the rites inherited from one generation to another. This area abounds with the richest traditions linked to rain and land cultivation coupled with a special attitude to domestic animals, weddings and funerals, as well as to celestial bodies. The rites and traditions that have become an integral part of life are linked closely to natural phenomenon. The villagers are mainly involved with sheep breeding. A different weaving technique is well known here. Shawls woven with wool in Khynalyg are famous throughout the entire region of Guba. The village of Khynalyg is known, not only for its ancient traditions but also because the villagers have seen a snowman.

Що включено

  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Guide

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We pick travellers from any point of Baku. Just send us location. Before picking we will send you a car number and a number of the driver.

Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Not wheelchair accessible

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