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The best places in the world to bungee jump

3 min Lesezeit
14. März 2018
Type of trip
Active trips
Sports & adventure

Bungee jumping is one of the world’s most popular extreme activities, providing a chance to experience the weightlessness of flying, exhilarating views and a whole lot of adrenaline. Here are the best places in the world to take the plunge.

Macau Tower in Macau, China

At 233 metres, Macau Tower is the world's highest commercial bungee jump

The drop from Macau Tower holds the Guinness World Record for Highest Commercial Bungee Jump and is a favourite among adrenaline junkies. Jumpers leap from a platform built 233m above the ground and experience the ultimate free fall before slowing down 30 metres above the ground, where the cord tension rebounds the bungee back up. The design of the bungee cable system makes it possible to jump in nearly all weather conditions. If you’re looking for something a little less intense, you can try the Skyjump. Similar to base jumping, this tethered descent takes 17 seconds (longer than the bungee jump) and brings you gently to the ground floor of the Macau Tower. Hotel Riviera Macau offers rooms with unobstructed views of Macau Tower.

Verzasca Dam in Ticino, Switzerland

This jump was made famous by the 1995 James Bond film *GoldenEye*

You may recognize this location from the opening scene of the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye, where Pierce Brosnan runs along the Verzasca Dam before bungee jumping 220 metres to a platform at its base. And thrill seekers can recreate this famous scene themselves between April and October. Verzasca Dam is also one of the only places where you can bungee at night, as it is illuminated by spotlights. Just 1.2km from the dam, Green View Apartments offers all the comforts of home and has a spacious patio where you can unwind after your adrenaline-fuelled day.

Bloukrans Bridge in Western Cape, South Africa

Whether or not you jump, you can't beat the views from Bloukrans Bridge

Holding the title of the world’s highest single-span arch bridge, Bloukrans Bridge was the location of Africa’s first bungee jump. Walk along a path under the bridge until you reach the highest part of its arch, step onto the extended walkway and bungee the 216 metres towards the Bloukrans River. If you’re not quite ready to take the plunge, you can also take in the views of the surrounding wilderness with a Bloukrans Bridge walking tour. Located in the nearby village of Nature’s Valley, Tranquility B&B offers the perfect change of pace after your bungee jump. The B&B is just steps from the beach and has an outdoor pool and hot tub.

Kaivopuisto in Helsinki, Finland

The jump in Kaivopuisto lands on a platform floating offshore

Each year, for the months of July and August, Finland’s largest bungee jump is temporarily constructed in Kaivopuisto, Helsinki’s oldest park. Standing at a height of 150 metres, the structure sits along the edge of the park’s beach and jumpers land on a platform floating offshore. During the jump, you can expect to reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. After your jump, don’t forget to pick up your certificate of completion as a memento of your bravery. Just a 13-minute walk from the park, Hotel Fabian is perfectly located to explore all the sights you saw from above before your jump.

Nevis Highwire in Queenstown, New Zealand

Experience the best of New Zealand's extreme sports and jump from the Nevis Highwire

If you want to experience the best of New Zealand’s extreme sports, plan a trip to the Nevis Highwire. What makes the Nevis Highwire such a thrill is not just the jump itself – the build-up is nearly as intense. Your adventure begins with a four-wheel drive up the mountain road until you reach the gorge. From there, you’ll take a cable car suspended from either side of the Nevis Valley to the centre of the gorge, where you’ll do your jump. The platform is designed with a glass floor so that spectators can watch from above as you freefall for 134 metres in just eight and a half seconds before being brought back up. Sofitel Queenstown Hotel & Spa is located just a few blocks from the highwire pick up point and has an on-site spa to pamper yourself before and after your jump.

Victoria Falls Bridge on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia

This is likely one of the only jumps that will require a passport to complete

Connecting Zimbabwe and Zambia, the Victoria Falls Bridge spans the divide created by the Zambezi river. It’s here, with crashing Victoria Falls as your backdrop, that you will take your 111-metre leap of faith. Whether you go solo or convince another adrenaline seeker to join you for a tandem jump, the views are unparallelled. On your jump day, don’t forget to bring your passport. The bridge marks the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, so you’ll need it to get onto the bridge. Shearwater's Explorers Village offers chalet and tented accommodation and is just an 8-minute walk away from Victoria Falls.